ЛУГАНСК, 27 дек — РИА Новости. Артиллеристы группировки войск «Центр» уничтожили опорный пункт и скопление живой силы ВСУ на Красноармейском направлении, рассказали журналистам в Минобороны.
The main idea of the text is that artillery forces from the "Center" group destroyed a Ukrainian stronghold and a concentration of troops on the Krasnoarmeysk direction using a 2S19 "Msta-S" self-propelled artillery unit. This success, aided by drone-guided targeting, allowed for successful advances by "Center" troops.
The main idea of the text is that artillery forces from the "Center" group destroyed a Ukrainian stronghold and a concentration of troops on the Krasnoarmeysk direction using a 2S19 "Msta-S" self-propelled artillery unit. This success, aided by drone-guided targeting, allowed for successful advances by "Center" troops.